M-1 (Carbine)
Easy and reliable automatic device-carbine M1 has been made by firm " Winchester " in 1941 and became regular weapon VDV of the USA within the Second world war. It was widely applied in area of Pacific ocean and enjoied huge popularity in many countries during post-war time.
М1 Works by a principle of tap of powder gases through an aperture in a wall of a trunk. Having received the name .30 SR М1 (SR-Short Rifle - shortly-ствольная rifle), it began to associate later with the unique weapon intended for shooting by cartridges, known today as cartridges .30 М1. Though these standard cartridges only hardly it is more on the size, than a pistol cartridge, at shooting from a rifle it is possible To achieve high accuracy of hit. It has got popularity as well as the organic officer weapon. It was widely used after the Second world war by French, and then the Vietnamese and American armies in Indochina, and also British in Malaya. Some carbines М1 are equipped with a harmonious metal humeral emphasis, as, for example, model М1А1.
Per 1944-45 it has been made more than 500 thousand pieces of automatic carbines М2. 2100 pieces of a night variant, МЗ with and an infra-red sight of night vision are let out. In total М1 has been made in quantity of 6.232.100 pieces.